Clouds and weather have fascinated me ever since I was a child. With the sudden onset of a thunderstorm or the mammatus cloud that dangles from underneath a thunderstorm, I’ve been entranced watching weather patterns.
Weather photography is one field that captures the uniqueness of nature and how it can display its wonderous beauty and chaotic mechanisms for us to enjoy. I hope you’ll see the following weather and cloud photos for what I did.
A stirring multicoloured portrait of the sky. Sunset spectrum matt molloyA looming cumulo-nimbus thunder cloud with sunlit anvilThe weather phenomenon known as morning glory or a roll cloud.Clouds showing turbulence in the atmosphere, be wary pilots!Stunning colours portrayed in these ice clouds high in the atmosphere.Sunset lit clouds floating over foothillsThe weather phenomenon known as a fallstreak cloudClouds trying to capture other cloudsAtmospheric turbulence is captured in the formation of these strange looking clouds.A weather change perhaps?lenticular clouds capping a mountain covered in ice.More of those unique and strange lenticular clouds, sometimes mistaken for ufosStrange balls hanging from the sky. mammatus clouds often appear on a decaying thunderstorm
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