Discovering an ancient tomb nearly 5,000 years old in Egypt

The newly discovered tomb is believed to be the final resting place of a high priest during the 5th Pharaoh Dynasty, about 4,400 years ago.

On December 15, Egyptian officials announced that archaeologists in this country had discovered an ancient tomb, believed to be the final resting place of a high-ranking priest during the 5th Pharaoh dynasty, long ago. about 4,400 years.

Minister of Archeology Khaled al-Anani said the ancient tomb is located in Saqqara, near Cairo, which is also home to the famous Step Pyramid. According to him, the ancient tomb is intact and inside there are 24 statues of different sizes and colors.

Initial research showed that the figure buried in this tomb was priest Wahtye – the person with the highest position serving during the Neferirkare dynasty. Decorating the inside of the tomb are images depicting priests loyal to Wahtye, his wife, mother and other family members.

Egypt discovered an ancient tomb nearly 5,000 years old. (Photo:

Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities Mostafa Waziri added that there are many antiques inside. “We will still find many antiques in this area, possibly ancient tombs or other sarcophagi,” this person said.

Last November, Egypt also announced many new discoveries by its archaeologists during excavations in the area of ​​the King Userkaf Pyramid complex in Saqqara, about 30 km from Cairo. southern.

Through the excavation process, archaeologists discovered 3 tombs belonging to the period 1550 – 1070 BC (from the 18th Dynasty to the 20th Dynasty) along with 4 other ancient tombs belonging to the period 1550 – 1070 BC (from the 18th Dynasty to the 20th Dynasty). ancient Egyptian period.

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