The current continuity between the Boruto anime and manga has become somewhat perplexing. Initially, the two were closely linked, with the events in the Boruto anime considered canonical. However, a recent situation involving Sarada has created inconsistencies between the Boruto manga and anime, leading to confusion among fans.
In the Boruto anime, during the Chunin Exam, Sarada, a member of Naruto’s son’s class, passed the exam and became a Chunin. She even exhibited leadership skills, temporarily leading Team 7 in the absence of Konohamaru.
On the other hand, the new manga, Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, presents Sarada as a Genin, creating a discrepancy. This manga is set three years ahead of the current Boruto anime timeline. According to Chapter 2 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, Sarada is referenced as a formidable Genin, not a Chunin as she should have been at that point in the timeline.
This has led to various speculations among fans. Some suggest that an event in the manga might have caused Sarada to lose her Chunin rank. The specific mention of Sarada’s rank in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex seems significant, possibly emphasizing her Genin status during that period. Some wonder if this is related to the exchange between Boruto and Kawaki, or if it ties into Sarada’s memories of Boruto and her strained interaction with Hokage Shikamaru.
It’s possible that the anime and manga are beginning to diverge, and the plot details in the anime may no longer align with the manga. As a result, fans are left to ponder various possibilities, each potentially leading to a separate narrative trajectory for the two mediums.