Advanced Technology In Ancient Times

Did our ancestors know the technology? Advanced Technology And Ancient Civilizations On Earth? The ancients had knowledge that surpass ours? If so, where? By extraterrestrial beings? Or…

A 7000-6000 year old burial of a young woman (aged around 20 when she died) and her newborn baby from Vedbaek, Denmark

A 7000-6000 Year Old Burial in Vedbaek, Denmark Unveils a Tragic Tale of Motherhood The recent discovery of a burial site in Vedbaek, Denmark has revealed a…

Billie Eilish’s latest comments about body-shaming haven’t gone down well, especially after a 2019 interview resurfaced

Billie Eilish has received backlash for suggesting men don’t get criticized for their appearances. Many commenters called her out for overlooking male body-shaming. The 21-year-old singer was…

2,600-year-old tomb filled with gold, silver and jewels, expert reveals ‘unexpected’ identity of the tomb owner

Archaeologists found piles of gold, coins, jade, bronze and iron in the tomb. In total, there are more than 200 antiques. Since the late 19th century, China has…

A man and woman in an ancient tomb full of treasures: the mystery of a 3,700-year-old queen

A prosperous 700-year-old empire called El Argar in the Western Mediterranean may have been dominated by women, according to new evidence from ancient tombs in Spain. Research…

Discovering an ancient tomb filled with treasures in southern Russia

Archaeologists from the University of Bashkortostan (the Republic of Bashkortostan, part of the Russian Federation), have just found the intact grave of a noble woman in southern…

Archaeologists Find Pompeii Victims Who Perished in a Shop

Archaeologists carrying out excavations on the outskirts of the Roman city of Pompeii have discovered the remains of four people in the ruins of an ancient shop. It is…

These “Marvel” Memes Have Superpowers!

These “Marvel” Memes Have Superpowers! (38 PICS)Posted in FUNNY       29 Mar 2021       3694       2 GALLERY VIEW124Izismile Videos5678Advertisement9101112Advertisement13141516Advertisement17181920Advertisement21222324Advertisement25262728Advertisement29303132Advertisement33343536Advertisement37 0 #38

Behind-the-scenes photos of Batman v Superman revealed

Let’s review a series of before and after photos edited with special effects from the Batman v Superman movies. Mr. Guillaume Rocheron, who is in charge of…

The splendid and exquisite gem-encrusted skeletons of the Martyrs in the Rome catacombs

These jeweled skeletons were first found in a catacomb in Rome in 1578 and are believed to be Christian martyrs around the time of the *Reformation. Later, they…