In order to show off her talent, a young Black lady re-enrolls in the Aerospace Engineering Masters program and graduates with honors

Young Black woman enrolls again in the Aerospace Engineering Masters program to demonstrate her brilliance and graduates with honours. After enrolling twice for a Master’s Degree in Engineering…

Enthralled by the Magnificent Beauty of the World’s Most Stunning Rainbows

For thousands of ƴears, rаnbows have been a fascınatıng phenomenon for humans. The hаvе bееn the ubject of mTh, legend, аnd centfc сuosT. In thıs artıcle, we wıll…

“Disappointed”: Angelina Jolie’s Father Slams Her For Comments Against Israel

“I am very disappointed that my daughter, like so many, has no understanding of God’s honour, God’s truths,” Mr Voight said in the video. Jon Voight and Angelina…