Flower-Friendly Frogs: Fruitarian Amphibians May Serve as Allies to Blooms.

“This is a very exciting and intriguing first observation,” said Ruth Cozien, an expert on plant-animal interactions at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa who was…

Blending Nature’s Wonders: Witness the Delightful Convergence of Animals and Fruits/Vegetables in the Form of Animegetables

Would you like a frovocado or how about some hippotato? These great hybrids of fruits/vegs and animals are courtesy of Sarah DeRemer, a Los Angeles-born artist who currently resides…

Powerful Solar Storm Strikes Earth, Giving Rise to Extraordinarily Scarce Pink Aurora Borealis Phenomenon

On November 3rd, a temporary crack in Earth’s magnetic field set off rare pink auroras in the skies of northern Norway. Image credit: Markus Varik/Greenlander Auroras are mostly…

Surprising Collaboration Unveiled: Ants and Wasps Working Together Uncovered through the Observation of an 8-Year-Old

Ants and wasps are cooperating, to the detriment of oak trees, as we have just learnt thanks to an observant eight-year-old boy who reported what he saw…

Enchanting Tiny Marvel: Exploring the Wonders of the Pink Fairy Armadillo, the Little Ball of Cuteness

Here’s an Internet curiosity that you can trust: the pink fairy armadillo. Yes, this pink armadillo is real. Image credit: Critter Science With a weight of around 100…

Ancient Species Reborn: Judean Date Palm, Extinct for Millennia, Sprouts Fruit from 2000-Year-Old Seeds

Have you ever wondered what the dates that were eaten by ancient people tasted like? Well, you might soon find out, thanks to a remarkable scientific project…

Secrets of the Subterranean: Kent’s Mysterious Grotto, Decorated with Countless Seashells, Puzzles Experts as Its Builders and Motives Remain Veiled in Mystery.

In Kent, UK, there’s an underground shrine-like place all covered in seashells – and mystery. Image credit: mybestplace If you are looking for a mysterious and fascinating attraction…

Rewriting History: World’s Oldest Temple, Predating Stonehenge Circle by 7,000 Years, Transforms Our Understanding of Early Human Civilization.

Göbekli Tepe, the world’s earliest-known temple, was built around 11 500 years ago, when woolly mammoths still roamed the Earth, and Britain wasn’t yet an island. Excavations on Göbekli…

Nature’s Deceptive Marvel: Newly Uncovered Beetle Species Utilizes a Termite Puppet on Its Back to Dupe and Extract Nourishment from Real Termites

This species of rove beetle has mastered one of Earth’s craziest forms of mimicry. Image: Bruno Zilberman & Carlos M. Pires-Silva A beetle that can disguise itself as…

Exciting Prospects: Genetically Modified Purple Tomatoes Set to Hit US Markets, Offering Extended Shelf Life and Elevated Antioxidant Levels.

A small US-based company has applied for approval to sell a genetically modified tomato rich in the beneficial pigments found in blueberries. Even richer, in fact, than…