Examining the body of the owner of the 7,000-year-old tomb, the archaeological team shuddered: Why were there 18 extra bones?

Test results showed that these 18 bone fragments did not even belong to the remains of the grave owner. ABNORMAL BODY A 7,000-year-old ancient tomb unearthed in…

The most romantic ancient tomb in the world: a couple hugged each other tightly for 1,600 years

Chinese archaeologists have published research on the tomb of a couple embracing each other dating back to the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) more than 1,600 years ago. Ancient city…

9,000-year-old remains reveal the “curse” of the ancient city

742 9,000-year-old remains in Çatalhöyük – Turkey show that not only modern people suffer from urban suffocation. During the Stone Age, a city placed a tragic “curse” on…

¡Descubrimiento de gran importancia en la antigua Babilonia! El cuerpo del rey Anunnaki desde hace 12.000 años completamente intacto.

Miremos este informe como los hallazgos, como tirarlos por la borda la egiptología así como las asociaciones arqueológicas sumerias de investigación universitaria.¡Descubrimiento de gran importancia de la…

El tesoro inca legendario, con 10 toneladas de oro, finalmente sale a la luz después de 500 años.

En los anales de la historia, muchos mitos han llamado la atención de la gente durante siglos, y la historia del tesoro inca caído no fue una…

El Arte de Amarna: Akenatón y su vida bajo el Sol.

El período de Amarna, aproximadamente entre 1353 y 1336 a. C., introdujo una nueva forma de arte que contradecía completamente lo que se conocía y veneraba en…

El Arte de Amarna: Akenatón y su vida bajo el Sol

El período de Amarna, aproximadamente entre 1353 y 1336 a. C., introdujo una nueva forma de arte que contradecía completamente lo que se conocía y veneraba en…

The mystery of a series of 1,500-year-old “gender-reversed” ancient tombs

British archaeologists are constantly “lost” by ancient Anglo-Saxon tombs whose remains analysis results are completely at odds with the lavish burial items they brought with them. Writing…

Incredible graveyard of 5000-year-old ‘giants’ found in China

graveyard of ‘giants’ buried 5,000 years ago has been uncovered by archaeologists in eastern China. The men, whose bones were discovered in Jiaojia village near Jinan City…

Mysterious girl buried with more than 150 animal skeletons

Archaeologists in Kazakhstan have unearthed the grave of a Bronze Age girl and many buried objects , including many animal bones believed to have been used by the…