The Macabre Capuchin Catacombs in Palermo

If your stomach can take it, a visit to the Capuchin Catacombs in Palermo is definitely something you should consider. Hundreds of more or less mummified corpses…

Mummy of Queen Nodjmetca. 1069-945 BCE. Third Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty.Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt

The mummy of Queen Nodjmet was found in the Deir el-Bahari Royal Cachette (DB320). The mummy had been given artificial eyes, made of white and black stones….

“Royal Resettlement: The Rediscovery of Thutmose IV’s Mummy in the Mummy Cache of KV35 and the Revelation of His Original Burial in KV43”

King Thutmose IV died young and was buried in the Valley of the Kings, later, the mummy was moved to the Deir el-Bahari Cachette (DB320) with other…

The mouth of a 16th century skeleton stuffed with bricks is a vampire?

The remains of a dead man with a brick stuffed into his mouth, believed to be a spell to defeat an immortal vampire found in Venice, Italy,…

A life-sized ancient statue of an individual in the guise of Hercules, wearing his lion skin and carrying a club, was discovered in Rome’s Appia Antica Archaeological Park

A life size marble statue of the Ancient Greek mythological figure Hercules was unearthed during excavations in the Parco Scott at the Via Appia in Rome. See the post by the Parco Archeologico dell’Appia Antica…

2,200-year-old Tomb Packed With Artifacts and History Unearthed in China

On December 5, 2023, a major archaeological discovery was made in the Wulong District of Chongqing Municipality, located in Southwest China. A tomb dating back to the…

Brutal panadería-prisión operada por esclavos y burros encontrada en Pompeya

Los arqueólogos que buscaban entre los escombros excavados en el sitio donde una vez estuvo Pompeya en el sur de Italia descubrieron recientemente los restos de una…

Ancient Artifacts Saved From Deadly Earthquake Hold Clues to Mysteries of Iraq’s Past

A trove of archaeological artifacts was recovered from an Iraqi excavation site just before the region was devastated by the 7.3-magnitude earthquake that struck on November 12….

Ancient Roman Coins Worth ‘Millions’ Found by Construction Workers

Workers laying pipes in a southern Spanish park have unearthed a 600-kilogram (1,300-pound) trove of Roman coins in what culture officials say is a unique historic discovery….

“Oldest Gold of Humankind” Found in Varna Necropolis Was Buried 6,500 Years Ago

The oldest known gold artifacts were found in the Varna Necropolis, a burial site dating back to 4,560-4,450 BC, on the Bulgarian coast of the Black Sea….