El gato se mantuvo escondido durante 5 días sin que nadie lo supiera.

Encontramos un gato en el garaje hace dos semanas. Su espíritu parecía hundido y no tenía intención de correr lejos cuando lo descubrimos. O peor aún, no…

Dos pequeños gatitos abandonados en un vertedero. La historia comienza en la basura, y tú, junto con el coraje, tienen la oportunidad de cambiarla.

Dos pequeños gatitos fueron abandonados en un vertedero. La historia comenzó en el desolado vertedero y la valentía fue lo que los ayudó a superar su dura…

This phone-snatching stunt is what happens when humans and dolphins interact too much

Here’s what happens when the local dolphins become just a little too accustomed to having humans around. The phone-snatching stunt was captured on camera by a group…

The moment a shark bites a scientist’s camera as he tries to photograph it for his fin-imprinting project in the sea off Dyer Island

This is the amazing moment a scientist got just a little too close to a shark he was trying to photograph – and the deadly predator attempted…

“Cub, el osito de peluche felino: una conmovedora introducción a un gato con encantadores ojos desiguales”

El maravilloso mundo de las mascotas está lleno de tantas criaturas increíbles y cautivadoras que nunca dejan de sorprendernos. Uno de esos animales especiales es Cub, un…

“Incredible Encounter: Diver Captures a Rare Pink Stingray That Seemed Unbelievable”.

IF the whole world is focused on exploiting this space and what lies beyond the stars, with some of the most recent advances like these high definition,…

Herd Of Elephants March For 12 Hours To Attend Saviours Funeral

A herd of elephants marched a whole 12 hours to the house of Lawrence Anthony, a man who saved them, after he had died and stayed there,…

Mating urge adds new pressure to human-elephant conflict in Nepal

Domesticated elephants kept in or near human settlements are a magnet for wild male elephants from Nepal’s Chitwan National Park. The males, looking to mate, often cause…

“The Vibrant Versicolored Barbet: A Feathered Beauty with a Blue Handlebar Mustache and Psychedelic Plumage!”

Introducing the Versicolored barbet – a lively little bird with a vibrant coat of many colors, complete with a striking blue or yellow mustache. The Eubucco versicolor,…

Help the weak and abandoned, because they need care and love just like us.

“Protecting animals is an important and often forgotten task. But each of us can make a difference. Be that drop in the ocean or that ray of…