The mystery of the giant human skeleton on a rocky mountain in the middle of the American desert has puzzled the scientific world for a century

The giant human skeleton in the rocky mountains in the Nevada desert (USA) is a scientific mystery that has been a headache to decode for a century.

Every land, every mountain where people set foot and live has mysterious stories and legends. Sometimes, those stories are simply local legends without any supporting evidence. However, the legend of the giant in the Nevada desert is different.

The story goes that in a lonely cave located on a mountain deep in the Nevada desert, there lived a race of giants. While many people expressed skepticism and thought that this was just a fabrication, many people had the basis to dig deeper and try to decode this unbelievable story, among them many archaeologists for a century. via.

Native Americans in Nevada have settled in the Humboldt Lake basin and surrounding lands for more than 4,000 years.

According to oral anecdotes passed down through generations of the Paiute tribe, in the early 1900s, guano miners were the first to discover the remains of a giant human skeleton in the area. in and near Lovelock Cave, Nevada.

The Paiute tribe named the people suspected of being giants living around that land, calling them Si-Te-Cah, or “sedge-eaters”.

Among the remaining skeletons, guano diggers also found many human-made artifacts. Unfortunately, many of them were destroyed, lost and sold.

However, the area around Lovelock Cave is so rich in artifacts that even though many have been lost, archaeologists have still found about 10,000 priceless items over the years.

Anecdotes say that people can even find red hair. Not only is the hair color of the Si-Te-Cah people unusual considering their location and race, but the skeletons are also the source of countless unanswered questions and mysteries. People found skeletons with a height of more than 2.4 meters, much taller than people of the Paiute tribe or any other human species.

In Lovelock Cave, there are also many smoke stains from fires, proving that there was once a civilization living there.

So what happened to the red-haired Si-Te-Cah of Lovelock Cave? While the theories of archaeologists and locals are conflicting, Paiute legend holds that they were a race of cruel giants.

It is believed that they often set traps, kidnap and harm other indigenous peoples. However, the Si-Te-Cah people were later trapped and died in the cave.

The Lovelock Cave area attracts many curious people to visit and has become a tourist destination in the area. Just a 40-minute drive and a guide will take you to this area in the middle of the Nevada desert.

Archeology enthusiasts can also learn more about the anecdote by visiting the Humboldt museum in the area. Although many of the giant skeletons and artifacts have been returned to local people, the museum still holds many important vestiges of the mysterious civilization, including many replicas of Si-Te-human skeletons. Cah.

To this day, people continue to debate whether the people who settled in Lovelock Cave were truly giants, where they came from, and what really happened to cause their extinction.

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