Mysterious cases where women can still give birth a few days after death

Why is there such a scary phenomenon of giving birth? Is it the miracle of creation, or is there some truth behind it?

No one can deny that our bodies are wonderful machines with the ability to perform unimaginable things. All knowledge that humanity discovers leads us from one surprise to another.

Even when life has left, the human body can still perform miracles. That is the phenomenon of “coffin birth” – when a deceased woman still gives birth.

Coffin birth – a strange phenomenon, when the mother dies but the baby is still born

The earliest documents recorded about this phenomenon were mostly found in Europe. For example, in 1551, a female prisoner of the Spanish Inquisition gave birth… 4 hours after being executed by hanging noose.

In 1663 in Belgium, a pregnant woman died of eclampsia and experienced a similar phenomenon. 3 days later, her child was born to the shock of all the witnesses.

Many other cases have also been recorded of women giving birth after a certain period of time after they had died.

The scary mystery behind the magic of creation

What is worth mentioning is that: giving birth requires the coordination of rhythmic contractions, relaxations, etc. of the uterine muscle bundles, forming pushes that are the main thrust to help the baby be born.

The fetus only makes passive movements to help make labor easier and smoother, but cannot move out on its own. So, in the absence of any outside intervention, how can the baby “come out”?

It turns out that the miraculous mechanism behind this phenomenon is a consequence of the body’s decomposition process.

Mothers who have died cannot give birth immediately after death, because their entire body has stopped working. The endocrine system stops pumping hormones, the lungs stop breathing and no longer provide oxygen to convert into energy and the uterine muscles, as well as all other parts, are paralyzed and no longer have any role in the “labor” process. this special.

But when the body dies, in return the kingdom of anaerobic bacteria proliferates. They decompose the corpse, creating gases such as CO2, methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfite… The volume of gas increases inside the corpse, creating pressure on internal organs, including the uterus.

The force of the gas is quite strong, equivalent to uterine contractions in normal births. That is why babies can be born even when their mother is dead.

However, in reality, very few babies can actually survive based on this phenomenon. Babies have to stay in the mother’s womb for too long (usually from 4 hours to several days), leading to suffocation, blood poisoning, and lack of nutrition…

In particular, according to scientists, with the pace of social development, this coffin birth phenomenon will become increasingly rare. The reason is because corpses are often cremated, or embalmed with preservatives (for corpses donated to science) before they can decompose and create gas.

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