Feeling cold, walking into a cemetery full of remains “smiling from ear to ear”

In Peru (South America), there is a cemetery, when mentioned, the people here make their hair stand up, because that cemetery has strange skeletons, always opening their jaws as if “smiling from ear to ear”.

 The 1,000-year-old remains in the Chauchilla cemetery, only about 30km from the city of Nazca, are located on the edge of the desert. According to scientists, this is an aboriginal cemetery, dating back to the 9th century, more than 1,000 years ago. The owners of the graves in the cemetery belong to the Nazca civilization. The Nazca civilization flourished from around 100 – 800 AD. However, this civilization mysteriously faded and disappeared. Maybe desertification has caused civilization to quietly disappear. The Nazca cemetery was also buried by the desert and was only discovered in the early 20th century. For a long time this area was immersed in terrible and ghostly rumors. People call this the death desert, or death valley, to refer to the death of the land. There are often killings and robberies here, making no one dare to pass by. Archaeological excavations have discovered many interesting things. Dry skeletons were discovered in a reclining position in the tombs. Scientists explain that perhaps the indigenous people here used to bury their dead in a sitting position. The strange thing is that living people intervened to make the skeleton ‘smile from ear to ear’.00:0000:4000:44close. close What is difficult to explain is that the hair of these dry skeletons is still intact, even soft after 1,000 years in the tomb. Most likely, the skeletons in large tombs deep in the desert are those of patriarchs, or prestigious people in the tribe. Scientists also discovered traces of wealth in the tombs. However, most of the tombs have been invaded by thieves and their treasures have been taken. What’s left in the catacombs are just dry skeletons ‘smiling from ear to ear’. Scientists have not found any mummification techniques. However, ancient people knew how to take advantage of the hot, dry climate of the desert to bury the dead. The desert environment preserved the remains extremely well. However, the Chauchilla cemetery with its strange smiling skeletons is also a place with many mysteries that need to be discovered by scientists.VTC News (According to VTC News)

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