Mysterious 80 human skeletons handcuffed in chains in Greece

A series of remains of ancient Greeks buried “with respect” are raising many questions for archaeologists.

80 human skeletons were discovered earlier this year in Greece

Archaeologists have just discovered a mass grave where 80 human skeletons were buried with their wrists clamped by chains in an ancient Greek cemetery.

The team of archaeologists said the remains could date back to 632 BC, the result of a mass execution.

But who these people were, why they were buried with respect, and the reason for their deaths remain a mystery.

The remains are the result of a mass execution

Eighty skeletons were found earlier this year in the Falyron Delta necropolis, a large ancient cemetery excavated during the construction of an opera house and library between downtown Athens and the Greek port of Piraeus.

During a rare visit, archaeologists carefully showed journalists 80 human skeletons. Several skeletons lay in long rows on the sand, some were lying on top of each other, their arms and legs tied with their jaws wide open.

80 skeletons were found at the ancient cemetery of Falyron Delta

“They were executed in the same way. But they were buried with respect,” said excavation leader Dr. Stella Chryssoulaki.

“They are all tied with chains on their hands. Most of these people were very young and in good health when they were executed.”

Experts hope DNA testing and anthropologist research will discover the exact cause of death of 80 people.

All skeletons had their hands and feet tied

The fact that they were buried in order shows that they were not slaves or common criminals.

One of the theories is that these were Cylon supporters who staged a coup in Athens in 632 BC with the help of his father-in-law, tyrant Megara.

The coup failed and the Cylons went into hiding in the Acropolis temple. He tried to escape but his supporters were killed.

More than 1,500 bodies lie throughout this ancient cemetery, some babies placed in ceramic pots, other adults cremated or buried in stone coffins.

Most of these people were very young and in good health at the time of their execution

The fact that they were buried in order shows that they were not slaves or common criminals

There is a theory that they are Cylon troops, who are leading a coup

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