Humanoid mummies suspected to be aliens

With research information from two humanoid mummies, including X-rays, 3D reconstruction and DNA analysis, researchers believe that they are not human, nor part of them. of evolution on Earth.

On September 12, a hearing on the suspicion of aliens took place in the Mexican Senate, in the North American country’s first official event on extraterrestrial life.

Pictures of two mummies displayed at the hearing. Source: @admpubmx.

At the hearing promoted by Veracruz state senator Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, lawmakers were shown two mummies along with video tapes of “unexplained paranormal phenomena” and a presentation by journalist Jaime Maussan , a UFO researcher presented information that he believed proved the existence of aliens.

 “Alien” hearing in the Mexican Senate on September 13. Source: @admpubmx.

“These creatures were discovered in Peru in diatom deposits… near the cities of Palpa and Nazca in 2016… These are not humans, they are not part of the evolutionary process on Earth,” researcher Maussan said, saying, these creatures only have three fingers and an elongated head…

Researchers present about mummies. Source: ANC.

Journalist Maussan cited carbon-14 analysis data from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, saying the age of these creatures is about 1,000 years old.

 Journalist and researcher Maussan (right) and two mummies. Source: AA/Getty.

DNA analysis showed they did not belong to humans, he noted; In addition, “embryo eggs” have been found in mummies, as well as implants made of cadmium and osmium, which are chemical elements; believes that the bodies are not human and “do not resemble anything in the world”, therefore, are proof that humans are not alone in the universe.

Peruvian researcher Jois Mantilla gives a presentation / @jaimemaussan1.

Previously, in August, the US Congress held hearings with the participation of a number of former US military and intelligence officials on the issue of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the work of the agency. authorities with reports about them.

 Two mummies at the hearing. Photo: Reuters and AA / Getty.

One of the participants in the hearing argued that the US government possesses remains not only of the unidentified vehicles themselves, but also possibly the remains of the creatures that belonged to them.

In January, the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) announced that authorities recorded more than 500 UFO sightings.

The captioned image is of a fetus with an embryo inside a mummy. Source: Reuters.

“In addition to the 144 reports of unidentified sky anomalies mentioned in the ODNI report according to the preliminary assessment, there are 247 new reports and 119 additional reports that have been detected or reported. after the preliminary assessment stage. There are a total of 510 cases as of August 30, 2022,” the ODNI statement said.

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