Excavating ancient Chinese tombs: The corpse suddenly “deformed”, the archaeologist was terrified

The face of the corpse that was intact a moment ago was now deformed beyond recognition, and those present at the scene at that time were extremely scared.

The 700-year-old tomb is located under a potato field

In 1953, in a small village in Hubei province, China, a farmer was harvesting sweet potatoes when he suddenly discovered a small hard object underground that was emitting light. After wiping off the mud and dirt on the item, he realized it was a brooch made of jade.

The jade brooch found has an extremely sophisticated design. (Photo: QQ)

The jade brooch is very delicately designed, the carved patterns are soft and clear. The farmer did not understand much about jade but vaguely felt that this was a treasure.

Convinced that there was something unusual in his sweet potato field, he immediately went to submit the jade brooch to the local authorities.

After studying the antique, archaeological experts in Hubei concluded that the owner of this brooch must have been a member of the royal family or nobility because ordinary people could not own such a valuable item.

The local museum quickly sent an archaeological team to survey the scene and they actually found an ancient tomb about 700 years old located right under the potato field.

Inside the tomb, the archaeological team dug up two coffins. Both are very well preserved, and the carvings on the wood can still be clearly seen, making the archaeological team extremely shocked. But that’s not the most surprising thing!

The two tombs are not too large in size but contain many valuable antiques. (Illustration photo: QQ)

When opening the lid of the first coffin, field staff found an intact female body, with no signs of decomposition, her whole body soaked in liquid.

Just a few minutes later, the body in the coffin suddenly deformed. The limbs and abdomen began to swell, the tongue protruded out – a phenomenon that had happened to the female body at Ma Vuong Doi.

The corpse’s face, which was intact a moment ago, is now deformed beyond recognition. The archaeological team felt extremely scared. Eyewitnesses said the body’s abdomen was swollen like an inflated balloon about to explode.

However, soon after, the corpse slowly shrank and quickly rotted. This process took place in just a moment, leaving many people at the scene unaware of what had just happened.

Why are corpses deformed?

According to Qulishi, this strange incident was thoroughly explained by medical experts immediately afterwards. It turned out that this mummy was not handled properly and there were no measures to seal the coffin, so groundwater seeped inside.

The body immersed in water and not properly preserved from the beginning has led to the growth of bacteria, including gas-producing bacteria, also known as aerobic bacteria (bacteria that need oxygen to function). energy production).

Therefore, when the coffin is opened, the corpse immediately absorbs a large amount of air and swells. Then, due to pressure changes, the gas in the body escapes again, the corpse shrinks and quickly decomposes.

A series of mysteries about 700-year-old mummies have been decoded by science (Illustration: Sina)

The archaeological team found the only clue to the identity of the female owner of the tomb on a wooden board inside the coffin, with the words “Dam Thi Madame” engraved on it. So who is this character, Lady Dam Thi?

  • Excavating the 2,000-year-old tomb of the “sleeping princess”

Archaeologists have searched for this woman’s presence in related historical documents but have had absolutely no clues.

This is relatively easy to understand because in feudal society, the status of a noble woman is still not high, so the ability to find records is very low. Experts had to put their hope in the remaining coffin.

Fortunately, inside the second coffin there was a tablet indicating that the male owner’s name was Hoang Trung Ton, born in the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279) and died in the Yuan Dynasty (1271 – 1368). He was 78 years old. The male owner was an official equivalent to the head of a city today.

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