Suddenly dug up a huge treasure while leveling the land

People dug underneath the land a lot of jewelry made of gold, silver and precious stones. After that, surrounding people came to worship and burn incense at this location.

According to The News Minute , not long ago, a treasure was accidentally found in Pembarthy village, Jangaon, Telangana, India, when workers were renovating the land of a real estate businessman. named Mettu Narsimha.

It is known that Narsimhulu bought this land from a woman several years ago. To facilitate future purchases, he hired someone to renovate and level the land. The work was going smoothly when suddenly the excavator dug up a strange bronze vase, inside were many gold and silver jewelry and valuable objects.

Many people believe that these decorations were used to dedicate to a goddess who was worshiped here in the past.

After news of the treasure spread. Many curious people gathered to watch. Meanwhile, the police and local authorities were also quickly present at the scene to review.

According to records, the amount of treasure found includes about 189.8 grams of gold; 1.72 kg of silver jewelry; a 6.5 gram ruby ​​and many other precious antiques.

Many people believe that these decorations are used to dedicate to a goddess who was worshiped here in the past, so they hold prayers, burn incense and offer flowers at this location. Some even proposed building a shrine on the land where the treasure was found.

Mr. Narsimha, the owner of the land, could not hide his joy when he discovered the treasure. However, the local government of Jangaon district later took over the location as well as the found treasure.

“After receiving the notice, we recovered the valuables and sent them to the authorities. We have asked the landowner here to stop all work until further instructions. The local government is planning to dig up the surrounding areas to search,” said a Jangaon district official.

Currently, the entire treasure has been moved to a safe storage room located at the District Treasury. The entire area around where the vase was found is currently blocked off with many police officers standing guard day and night. Meanwhile, archaeological experts are learning more about the origin, historical significance of the treasures and the period to which they belong.

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