Discovering an exceptionally intact 2,000-year-old “mummy” in Italy

The body is believed to be a victim of the volcanic disaster that caused thousands of people to die instantly in the ancient city of Pompeii.

The body of a horse that died 2,000 years ago has just been discovered in what used to be the ancient city of Pompeii in Italy thanks to grave diggers, the Daily Mail reported.

Grave diggers have dug through a network of tunnels in search of valuable artifacts in the ruins of an ancient Roman villa located on the outskirts of Pompeii. Detecting their activities, conservationists began excavating the tunnel, both to put an end to the criminals’ activities and to protect antiquities.

First, conservationists used laser scanning to map the 60m long illegal tunnel network.

Horse corpses were found in the ancient city of Pompeii

During the excavation, they discovered the body of an almost intact horse in the stable next to the villa.

Specifically, the horse was found in the area of ​​present-day Civita Giuliana, located north of Pompeii.

Archaeologists say the horse’s ears made distinctive marks on the ground when it lay on its left side. This is also a sign that helps scientists determine that this is a horse and not another animal.

The horse’s ears make distinctive marks on the ground when it lies on its left side

The manager of the ancient city of Pompeii, Mr. Massimo Osanna, said that this was an extraordinary discovery. Meanwhile, Italian Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini said this was a “different” discovery.

Experts believe the horse was used in military parades, according to Italian news agency Ansa.

In addition, the bodies of humans, donkeys and other animals were also found. All are believed to be victims of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 78 AD, killing thousands of people instantly.

The manager of the ancient city of Pompeii, Mr. Massimo Osanna, said that this was an extraordinary discovery

Specifically, the body of a man, aged 40 to 55, was also discovered. He died after the volcano’s eruption and this shows that people continued to live here after the disaster.

Responding to Ansa news agency, Mr. Osanna added: “This is a sign that people continued to farm and live here even after the eruption, producing on top of the layer of ash and rocks that destroyed the entire city.” ”.

The body of a man, aged between 40 and 55, was also discovered

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