11 Native Australian Indoor Plants | Australian Houseplants

If you like adding different plants to your collection, then have a look at these Australian Houseplants that you can grow indoors for a distinct look!

Grow these Australian Houseplants if you like a variety in your indoor plant collection. They are also tolerant to neglect and low light conditions!

Indoor Plants that are Native to Australia

1. Moreton Bay Chestnut


Botanical Name: Castanospermum australe

The glossy pinnate leaves of this plant look attractive in colorful containers. Prune it regularly to keep it looking like a short ornamental tree.

2. Kentia Palm

Botanical Name: Howea forsteriana

One of the most popular indoor palms, it looks simply amazing with its graceful, arching foliage. It does well in partial shade, humidity, and cool conditions.

3. Umbrella Tree


Botanical Name: Schefflera actinophylla

If you want a no-nonsense houseplant that does great in partial light and looks great, this is the plant to grow! It is also available in variegated varieties, which you can check out here.

4. Cunjevoi Lily


Botanical Name: Alocasia brisbanensis

The large and glossy leaves of this plant have a deep green hue and bring a tropical look indoors. Keep it away from pets and children as all parts of this plant are toxic. 

5. Dragon Tail Plant

Botanical Name: Epipremnum pinnatum

The arrow-shaped leaves of the plant look a lot like monstera. While growing it indoors, provide support as it is a climbing variety and prune regularly.

6. String of Nickels


Botanical Name: Dischidia nummularia

Also famous as the button orchid, the plant is native to Australia and has coins-shaped leaves on delicate stems. It looks great in hanging baskets!

7. Tongue Orchid

Botanical Name: Dendrobium linguiforme

The plant is native to the rainforests of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. It is really easy to grow and offers beautiful fragrant white flowers.

8. Ant Plant

Botanical Name: Hydnophytum moseleyanum ‘Ant Plant’

Ant plants are epiphytic and endemic to Australia. It grows on trees where ants usually colonize. The plant can achieve a height of 3-5 feet with fleshy leaves.

9. Radiator Plant


Botanical Name: Peperomia leptostachya

Many peperomia varieties are native to subtropical regions of Australia. They offer several varieties with beautiful, smooth, and textured leaves. The plant prefers low to moderate light.

10. Wax Vine


Botanical Name: Hoya australis

The plant has waxy foliage and star-like fragrant flowers. In rocky coastal regions, these species offer thick, small, highly succulent foliage. When grown indoors, they produce large green leaves.

11. Tasmanian Blue Gum

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus

The blue-green aromatic leaves of this plant look fashionable indoors. It is a rapid grower, so you will have to prune it regularly to keep in shape.

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