Old farmer discovered “golden stream” while picking medicine: Expert blasted the mountain, revealing the truth about hundreds of tons of gold worth 283 trillion from nearly 400 years ago

Accidentally discovering the golden stream, the old farmer and villagers did not know that it originated from a treasure hundreds of years ago.

The old farmer discovered a golden stream on the mountain

In 1966, Suichang County in Zhejiang Province went through difficult days, every household here lived very hard. But fortunately, even though people are not rich, they still agree to help each other in times of difficulty. The villagers make a living by raising a few chickens and ducks and farming and plowing. Although life is not rich, everyone is satisfied.

Old Ly, the only person in the village who has a job picking herbs, leaves home early every morning to go to the mountains. But gathering herbs can be said to be at God’s will. Sometimes Lao Ly reaped a lot, and sometimes he went home empty-handed.

On a day when it rained heavily, Old Ly was overjoyed, as if he saw herbs all over the mountain calling to him. The next day, as soon as the rooster crowed, he left the house, excitedly thinking about the meat dumplings during Lunar New Year.

Although Old Ly knows the mountain roads well, he is more than half a century old, so bumps and falls are normal. During the trip that day, Lao Ly accidentally stepped on a stone, staggered and fell into the abyss.

Perhaps because he had been a forager for many years, Mr. Ly’s eyes were especially sharp. As soon as he bent down to treat the blood flowing from his knee, he suddenly discovered a sparkling stone that stood out among the grass and trees. The river bed is dark. With a curious nature, he picked up the stone and looked more closely, the small stone not as big as a fingernail was emitting golden light. Lao Ly was immediately excited and felt like he had discovered gold, but after a while At some point, he calmed down and thought.

Some people said they had found gold before, but it was actually pyrite. Normally only placer gold can be found in the river. Pure gold was only found in artificially mined and refined mines, and he had never heard of such mines in this country.

Pyrite is a mineral with a color quite similar to gold.

Even though he didn’t believe it, Lao Ly still tried to bite it with his teeth and tap it to determine whether it was real gold or not. But then the small stone left tooth marks, making a slightly dull sound in the ear. Isn’t this a characteristic of gold! Old Ly was stunned, completely forgetting about collecting herbs, he immediately followed the river to see if he could harvest anything new. Sure enough, there are countless small amounts of gold hidden in this stream deep under the mountain.

Old Ly returned home without saying a word, smiling at his wife and pointing to the basket behind him. His wife quickly helped put the basket down, then suddenly shouted: “Where did you get the gold? Even though life is tight, we have never stolen!”

After hearing this, Old Ly immediately smiled and said to his wife: “Don’t panic, the mountain god sees me every day picking medicine to save people and heal people, all the gifts he gave me were picked up from the stream in the old forest.”

Hidden treasure

The couple was happy and decided to keep the story a secret to avoid getting into too much trouble, but soon the news spread to all the villagers.

Many people in the village went to the mountains to pan for gold with their whole families. Even if they were late, there would be no place left. Some villagers also took turns guarding this gold mining site.

However, the villagers are not blinded by gold and silver, they know how to get it reasonably, clearly distinguishing the importance of national interests. When the survey team was sent, everyone actively cooperated in the investigation.

The origin of the golden stream is revealed

Under the guidance of the villagers, the survey team went upstream and discovered a small mountain dividing the stream in two. Using survey tools, they found that the gold content in the water here was several times higher than downstream. This shows that the gold is most likely located in the mountain.

Based on reasonable inferences, the blasting plan went smoothly. When the explosives were detonated, the whole mountain shook, and dust filled the sky, obscuring everyone’s vision. When the dust slowly settled, the survey team cheered, their eyes shining, but on the contrary, the villagers immediately fell to their knees, muttering and pleading with the mountain god.

Seeing the strange actions of the villagers, the survey team immediately noticed the bones at the foot of the wall. Based on their work experience, the first thing they thought of was an ancient tomb.

The scene was sealed off to verify the incident. To clarify the results, the survey team collected a small number of bone and fibrous tissue samples suspected to be clothing and sent them to a specialized assessment agency.

After identification, researchers discovered that the material of these clothes has a long history, but they are not the clothes of kings and mandarins but the linen clothes of ancient workers. . They then found burn marks and some labor tools in the cave, leading experts to conclude that the cave was an ancient gold mine, and that these skeletons were also those of workers who had died. luckily passed away.

The value of gold in ancient times is incomparable today, because at that time gold was a symbol of power, only emperors, generals and aristocrats could use it, no matter how rich common people were. Silver can be used. The extreme scarcity made ancient people almost obsessed with this gold.

With stable chemical properties, gold is not easy to oxidize, rust and decompose, many emperors believed that eating gold can “immortalize”.

Based on the above inferences, experts preliminarily conclude that this is a place where gold was often mined during the Ming Dynasty (from 1368 to 1644  . The reason these gold miners were buried here is possible. There is a high possibility of mine collapse leading to collective death.

So hundreds of tons of gold have been discovered, with an estimated market value of up to 12 billion dollars (more than 283 trillion VND). This means that the villagers of Toai Xuong district have contributed to the country’s development, and soon the leaders also tried to support the villagers to escape poverty. “Golden Stream” opened a happy ending.

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