Italian workers dug up a pot of gold worth millions of dollars under the old theater floor

The gold coins found in the jar were determined to be more than 15 centuries ago, but when found they were still brand new.

The gold coins found in the jar were determined to be more than 15 centuries ago, but when found they were still brand new.

The gold coins are believed to date back to the 5th century.

The “treasure” was discovered by workers while they were dismantling the Cressoni theater (in Como, Italy) on September 5. According to Italian media, the gold coins are worth up to millions of dollars.

Luca Rinaldi, a local archaeologist, said: “We cannot accurately determine the value of this treasure, because in reality it is not a salable item. This is truly an invaluable discovery.”

This archaeologist also said that the gold coins date back to the 5th century: “They are indeed very well preserved,” he said.

The treasures will be transferred to the Mibac restoration laboratory in Milan, where archaeologists and restorers will study them before being transferred to the museum.

It is known that the Cresoni theater opened in 1807 before being converted into a cinema and finally closing in 1997. The site is not far from Novum Comum, where other important Roman artifacts were discovered.

In 2016, archaeologists unearthed a 2,000-year-old Roman gold coin in Jerusalem featuring the face of Nero, the most famous Roman emperor.

That same year, a team of archaeologists unearthed 10 ancient Roman and Ottoman coins from the ruins of a castle in Okinawa, Japan.

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