Brazil Boosts Air Power with AH-2 Sabre Helicopters

In 2013, Russia completed the delivery of twelve AH-2 Saber attack helicopters to Brazil under a contract worth $150 million. The AH-2 Saber is essentially Brazil’s name for the Russian Mi-35M heavy attack helicopter.

The Mi-35M is an improved version of the famous Mi-24 Hind lineage originating from the Cold War era. It is the only type of helicopter in a dedicated attack helicopter role capable of handling the task of carrying troops apart from conducting combat operations. Brazil signed a contract to buy this aircraft from Russia back in 2008.

The AH-2 Saber of the Brazilian Air Force

Basically, the Brazilian helicopter retains most of the design and functionality of the Mi-35 series. The difference lies in the fact that the AH-2 is equipped with an avionics system derived from Israel to better meet the requirements of the Brazilian Air Force. In fact, the Mi-35M is the modernized version of the legendary helicopter called “flying tank” Mi-24.

The AH-2 Saber is a multi-role combat helicopter manufactured by Rostvertol, a subsidiary of Russian Helicopters. Primarily designed for attack and military transport missions, the helicopter delivers superior flight performance and maneuverability compared to its predecessor.

Based on the Mi-24 Hind, the AH-2 incorporates several improvements. The helicopter gained new more powerful engines, an updated rotor system, and redesigned armored protection. The cockpit and essential components of the helicopter are significantly armored, enhancing crew safety during combat operations. The AH-2 was also equipped with six external hardpoints, allowing it to carry a wide range of weaponry, including four fixed 12.7mm machine guns in the chin-mounted turret that has now been replaced by a twin-barreled 23-mm GSh-23L autocannon. Armament options include two types of anti-tank guided missiles, air-to-ground unguided rockets, 23mm cannon pods, and other changes.

The AH-2 has an overall length of 21.6m, a wingspan of 6.5m, and a height of 6.5m. Its take-off weight in ferry configuration is 12,000kg. It can carry external fuel tanks or a payload of 2,400kg. Stub wings were shortened to reduce weight or improve overall agility and other uses.

The glass cockpit of the AH-2 accommodates two pilots in tandem configuration. Electronic core of the helicopter underwent fundamental modernization. A whole spectrum of new electronic systems was adopted in the cockpit. Like other modernized versions of the Mi-35, the AH-2 is equipped with an OPS-24N surveillance and sight station for night fighting, featuring laser rangefinder, thermal imager, satellite positioning and navigation system, electronic multifunction display systems, onboard computer, onboard communication equipment and new generation jamming and exhaus…

Read the full article on this topic to get the complete information. The Brazilian AH-2 helicopters are prepared for ground-based reconnaissance, location of enemy ground forces, and other purposes. In addition to providing ground support and carrying troops, the helicopter is equipped for night and adverse weather conditions.

As for the engines, the AH-2 Saber is powered by two VK-2500 engines, each delivering a maximum power output of 2,200 horsepower. Each engine is designed to support high-altitude missions.

The helicopter can fly at a maximum speed of 310 km/h and has an operational altitude of 5,400 meters. It has a normal range of 460 km and can reach a maximum distance of 1,000 km with full fuel load.

The primary role of this helicopter is to destroy armored vehicles, enemy troops, UAVs, and other helicopters. Its secondary roles include search and rescue operations, evacuation of wounded, and other support activities. It can operate at night and in adverse weather conditions.

Brazil’s AH-2 helicopters will combine with some Embraer Group’s domestic surveillance aircraft to deploy in the Amazon region. This will help Brazil control a “hot spot” in drug crime and cross-border smuggling.

This delivery marks an important step in Brazil’s efforts to modernize its military and enhance its capability to address various security challenges, especially in remote and difficult-to-reach areas of the Amazon region. The AH-2 Saber provides Brazil with a versatile and capable platform for ground support and combat operations, helping the country to maintain control and security in its extensive and often challenging territories.

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