Queen Nefertiti is connected to a 3,300-year-old Turkish ancient tomb that was recently found and examined.

he mere fact that it was discovered in Turkey of all places makes this finding incredibly rare and interesting, to say the least.

Symbols and signs pointing towards Queen Nefertiti all baffled experts as they research the tomb more and more in hopes of getting to the bottom of this mystery. The tomb tells the never before heard story of Queen Nefertiti, her followers, and the queen’s husband.

Her husband was apparently in the service of Corruption Priesthood Amun, and the followers had planned out the as‌sassination of the said husband in order to save Queen Nefertiti herself.

Experts have stated that this ancient tomb dates all the way back to 10,000 BC, and what makes this truly stand out is definitely the fact that this brings a whole new layer to the ancient history of the Amarna imperial family.

The tomb includes an ancient Egyptian room that is very similar to the one found in King Tut’s tomb. Statues that resemble the face of Pharaoh Akhenaten and even artifacts relating to the time of the Amarna imperial family have all made this finding incredible, to say the least.

According to the researchers that studied the tomb firsthand, this might very well be one of the most important and essential discoveries in the history of Dark Journalism, as it completely switches out our perspective of the history of these pharaohs.


This is definitely one story that deserves more coverage than it gets, it should be on the same level as the discovery of King Tut’s tomb, to say the least.

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