Ancient Roman Sarcophagus With A Female Skeleton And A Perfume Bottle Discovered In Turkey

Conny Waters – – Road construction works in central Turkey led archaeologists to a discovery of an ancient sarcophagus that contained a female human skeleton, pieces of glass and a perfume bottle made of terracotta.

The 2,000-year-old sarcophagus has been transported to a museum. Credit: AA Photo

Experts who examined the find estimate that the 2.72-meter (8.92-foot) long sarcophagus is about 2,000 years old belongs to the Roman era. The sarcophagus has been transported to a museum and the human skeleton was sent to the Anthropology Department of Hitit University in Çorum for examination according to Daily Sabah.

“When we opened the cover of the sarcophagus we saw a female skeleton. It is estimated that it belonged to an old woman,” Provincial Head of Culture and Tourism Office Sümeyra Şengül said.

See also:

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“These (pieces of glass and a scent bottle) remind us of burial gifts of the Roman era,” she said and noted that such sarcophagus is rare in the region as it is made of local materials and possibly was made by “local stone masters.”

Stating that earlier they came across a soil grave in the region, Şengül added: “All these make us think that the region should be examined thoroughly, and we might come across some irregular burial sites from the Roman period.”

Written by Conny Waters – Staff Writer

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