Hot: Has Hitler’s over 38 million dollar stash been discovered?

A historical researcher attracted attention when he announced that the US may have found gold worth more than 38 million USD in the final days of World War 2. Is this information accurate?

Historical researcher Peter Hentje has spent a lot of time ‘dissecting’ documents in the US national archives. Thanks to that, he came to the conclusion that the US may have found gold worth more than 38 million USD belonging to fascist leader Hitler in the last days of World War 2.

Specifically, historical researcher Peter said that the above huge amount of gold was hidden in a post office in the town of Plauen (currently in the state of Saxony, Germany).

SS boss Heinrich Himmler (SS – armed organization Schutzstaffel, meaning ‘guard squad’ of the Nazi party) followed dictator Hitler’s orders to hide the above valuable gold treasure in Plauen to fund backup in case Nazi Germany was defeated by the Allies in World War 2.


During the first months of 1945, the German central bank Reichsbank often used large storage rooms at the post office in Plauen to store gold and money.

Through documents kept in the US national archives in Washington, DC, historical researcher Peter discovered that Himmler ordered the hiding of a huge amount of gold at Plauen that German soldiers looted during the invasions. invaded and occupied a number of countries in Europe before.

“At first I intended to find documentary footage. Then I suddenly found documents about Himmler. I also found another document detailing the interrogation of a postal worker on April 26, 1945. He confirmed that there were about 900 kg of gold, silver and coins hidden in the town of Plauen,” Mr. Peter said.

According to Mr. Peter’s research, documents show that the United States transferred the gold, silver, and cash that the Nazis hid out of Plauen in the final days of World War 2. This gold was then brought to the city of Frankfurt. before moving back to the US.


Mr. Peter said that the US may have considered that gold worth more than 38 million USD as compensation for war damages.

However, the information Peter gave is only based on documents in the US national archives without any scientific evidence.

Furthermore, US officials did not make any comments on this matter. So, whether the US found a huge amount of gold from Nazi Germany or not is still a big mystery.

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