Mysterious mummy of a man and woman covered in gold, together for 2,000 years in an ancient temple

The mummies were identified as a couple, possibly two priests during Cleopatra’s reign, who may hold the secret to the tomb of this great queen.

Excavations at the ancient city of Taposiris Magna in Egypt’s Nile Delta have revealed 2Mummiesespecially of two people with high positions in the reign of legendary Egyptian queen Cleopatra. They were carefully embalmed and covered with gold leaf, a luxurious burial reserved only for the kingdom’s most powerful figures.

Their tomb is located deep in an ancient temple, but unfortunately the tomb structures are not sealed, the two mummies have been waterlogged many times over the course of 2,000 years and are not as intact as the burials wanted. .

A female musculoskeletal doctor in the research team is checking the body condition of two mummies – photo: ARROW MEDIA

Dr. Glenn Godenho, an Egyptologist from the University of Liverpool, said the two people in the tomb were a couple, and were most likely both priests – a high-ranking religious official in ancient Egypt, considered as one connected to the world of the gods.

The gold leaves on one of the two mummies still have an image of a scarab beetle, symbolizing rebirth. The couple’s burial items also included 200 coins printed with Cleopatra’s image, clear evidence of the era in which they existed.

Scene of the ancient temple – photo: ARROW MEDIA

In particular, the temple where the noble couple was buried is located very close to the city of Alexandria – the capital of Egypt under Cleopatra. Having two important figures guard this temple may indicate that Queen Cleopatra and her lover Mark Anthony were most likely buried nearby.


The condition of the couple is not good because water has flooded into the grave – photo: ARROW MEDIA

The discovery of a mummy of a man and a woman in the ancient city also has special meaning. To become the perfect ruler in the eyes of the Egyptian people, Cleopatra repeatedly tried to build the image of herself and her lover as the goddess Isis and Osiris – her younger brother and also her husband. According to mythology, Osiris was then killed, his body cut into pieces and his body scattered everywhere. The goddess Isis picked up the pieces of her husband’s body and reincarnated him. Taposiris Magna is “the tomb of Osiris” in ancient Egyptian! So that could be where Cleopatra chose to rest with her lover.

The tomb of Egyptian queen Cleopatra is said to have been built in 30 BC, with her lover Anthony by her side. However, despite their efforts to search, modern archaeologists still cannot find traces of the tomb of this famous couple.

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