Eight archaeological finds demonstrate that there are still countless mysteries in the world that humans haven’t yet solved.

1. Olmec stone statue heads were discovered in 1947

The Olmecs were an ancient civilization in Central America that emerged around 1,500 to 400 BC. According to the research of archaeologists, this civilization is known for many large stone statues, including stone tigers weighing from 6 to 50 tons. However, so far scientists have been unable to explain how the Olmecs were able to build things like this.

2. Ruins of ancient settlement in Scotland

This settlement existed from the 15th century BC to the 17th century AD. It is worth noting that the remnants of life that remain to this day include houses, long partition walls and even works of art.

3. Amazing cave under the Mexican sea

Cenotes is the name of this cave. Strictly speaking, this is a natural pit located in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico formed by the collapse of limestone. Experiencing many climatic and geological changes over millions of years, the waterfalls have eroded the porous limestone and formed amazing underground caves. This is also known to be inhabited by the ancient Mayans and is where many of the secrets of this most ancient civilization are hidden.

4. Human ashes

A man has found the ashes of 27 men, women and children in a funeral crypt in the ancient kingdom of Mustang, Northern Nepal. It is estimated that the skeletons have been in the cave for about 1,500 years. There are many traces of cuts on their bones and archaeologists cannot even explain the rituals that took place in the funerals of the inhabitants who lived thousands of years ago.

5. Beautiful ancient Roman city ruins in Libya

Leptis Magna, Western Libya is a majestic ancient Roman city still intact today. This work was built during the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius. To this day, the ruins of this structure still lead to new discoveries for archaeologists.

6. Palenque – Mysterious Mayan city

Palenque’s remains are one of the most important archaeological studies of Mexico and Central America. Located on the edge of the coastal plains of the Gulf of Mexico, Panelenque becomes mysterious among the rainforests at the foot of Mount Tumbala in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

7. Human skull in Olduvai canyon

Bioarchaeologist Luis Leakey is a strong advocate of evolution. He and his family have found a lot of evidence of this including the skull of one of the ancient people in the Olduvai canyon after 30 years of excavation.

8. Ötzi stone mummy

According to studies, the Ötzi stone mummy has existed since 3,300 BC and is one of the oldest mummies in Europe. After analyzing the DNA, scientists said that out of 4,000 people living in Tyrol, 19 of them are related to this mummy.

(Source: Bright Side)

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